Monday, 9 April 2018

Construction of a Robot

What makes a machine different from a Robot? What improvisations convert a dumb machine into a Robot? Though the basic construction of a robot is very much build on the structure of a machine but there are certain things like, actuators, sensors and controllers added to it which makes it a Robot.

Advancement over Machines

The basic building blocks of a robot are very similar to that of machines. As a machine has moving parts or members connected to each other through different types of joints, driven by some motor or any other driving mechanism and moving in synchronization with each other to execute the specified operation. In the same way the basic structure of a robot is similar to that of a machine, but there are some advancements or additions to the machine which make it a robot.

In robots the simple driver motors are replaced by the servo motors, which are more accurate and fitted with sensors made up of transducers to provide feedback. There is more number of actuator motors in the robots as compared to the machines, which generally have single driving motor. Also there are controllers, governing the operations of different sensors and actuators in the robots, provided with the instruction set and they give command accordingly to the actuators and receive feedback from the sensors. These are some advancement in robots over machines.